Anambra South Senatorial Hopeful Azuka Okwuosa Pledges to Turn Waste into Wealth

By: Uju Nwanekezie-Egemole
“Reduce, reuse, recycle” is not just a slogan, it’s a way of life and one of the propelling forces behind Chinyelugo heeding the call of his people to join the Senatorial bye-election race.
The horrific visions of the number of waste littering carelessly on the streets translating to the number of wealth lying in ruins and the number of lives at risk of health hazards pushed him to getting ready impactful bills for waste management and disposable.
Expectedly, these well thought out bills will regulate the disposal and management of wastes such as organic waste, hazardous waste, solid waste, liquid waste, and recyclable waste. Each of them uniquely impacts the environment, with improper disposal leading to issues like pollution, health risks, and resource depletion.
Predictably, the intended bills will not only scale down the generation of waste especially hazardous waste, treat waste in a way that ensures recovery, dispose of waste that cannot be recovered in an environmentally sound way, prevent pollution, minimize the consequences for human health and the environment; it will ultimately create massive employment and unimaginable wealth for the highly industrious people of Anambra South and Anambra State.
With the notion that waste is a resource in the wrong place, let’s support Chinyelugo for effective and beneficial bills for its management and disposal!
Let’s support Sir Azuka Okwuosa for quality Representation in the Senate.