Azuka Okwuosa Champions Fire Service Reform for a Safer Anambra South


Despite the mind-blowing fire service budgetary allocations over the years, fire service stations all over the country appear to lack serviceable vehicles, working tools, and inadequate personnel, with our dear state not being an exception. With this huge allocation, it is expected that their services are performed round the clock, 24 hours/7 days a week, committedly. But with heart-rending -relentless news of fire incidents lately, it is unclear if the envisaged standards are upheld.

Looking at the horrific scenario, Chinyelugo came up with bills on fire service that will ensure adequately supervised proper funding, improved standardized training, clearer operational procedures, and enforcement mechanisms, ultimately leading to better fire prevention, quicker response times, reduced property damage, and most importantly, the protection of lives through effective fire safety measures across Anambra South and Anambra State ‘ka ndị mmadụ kwụsi iti okokokoooo’.

Let’s go and make a Senator who saving lives is deeply rooted in his DNA.

Let’s support Sir Azuka Okwuosa for our Voice to be heard in the Red Chambers of the National Assembly.


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