I, Mr. Ismael O Onuoha, SSA to the Governor on Cooperative Societies, Onbehalf of myself and my family want to congratulate you my Boss and the Executive Governor of Abia State, His Excellency, Dr. Alex Chioma Otti on your victory at the Supreme Court last friday to reaffirm the mandate given to you by the entire Abians.
My Boss, by this victory, Almighty God has completely heard the cries of our people and has cemented their hopes and expectations on you to deliver and set them completely free from underdevelopment, backwardness and many past years of clueless governance which has stagnated our state.
It is a victory for liberty, a victory for a new Abia and a victory that has set the people free to enjoy the real dividends of democracy.
Since last May 29th, 2023 that you mounted the saddle as the Governor of the state, you have shown dexterity and demonstrated that passion and love for which Abians have been yearning for and it has manifested in all sectors of the state as even civil servants and pensioners have all felt the bliss of a new Abia.
I have no modicum of doubt as one of your apostles that God has positioned you this time to turnaround the fortunes of our people, reposition our state from it’s lost glory and put smiles once again on the mouth and faces of majority of Abians.
Your touch of competence, excellence, perfection, brilliance and goal delivery will definitely reflect and be a new song in our dear state Abia.
There are no barriers on what Almighty God has brought you to do for our people and all eyes will see it and glorify our God in heaven for bringing you like Joshua to lead our people into the promised land.
I want to also use this opportunity to call for the support and prayers of all Abians of sincere mind for the success of this present administration in our state.
Once again, l say congratulations my Principal and enjoy overflowing wisdom from Above as you steer the ship of the state.